Being Strategic

Everybody talks about being strategic - this book makes it practical

BooksBeing Strategic

Helping You Approach Business and Life More Strategically

Most of us have a basic sense of the difference between strategy and tactics–the big picture versus the details. But when it comes time to actually put it into practice, we’re not sure how to do it in a way that works.

In Being Strategic, noted consultant Erika Andersen helps the reader approach business–and life–strategically, explaining why it’s important, what’s involved in doing it, and how to do it. Being Strategic offers a step-by-step model and skills for strategic thought and action that are broadly applicable and thoroughly practical:

  • First, get clear about the problem you’re trying to solve.
  • Then, figure out where you’re starting from.
  • Now, imagine your “castle on the hill,” your ultimate goal.
  • Identify the “trolls under the bridge”; the obstacles in your path.
  • Next, outline the path to the castle: your core strategies and the tactics for implementing them.
  • Re-evaluate your strategy and your tactics as conditions change.

Built around the story of 13th-century Welsh nobles building a castle, and weaving in dozens of real-life examples from her practice, which has helped top restaurateur Danny Meyer and many others, Andersen offers a complete course in turning around a business, or a life.


Helping You Approach Business and Life More Strategically

Most of us have a basic sense of the dif­fer­ence between strat­e­gy and tactics–the big pic­ture ver­sus the details. But when it comes time to actu­al­ly put it into prac­tice, we’re not sure how to do it in a way that works.

In Being Strate­gic, not­ed con­sul­tant Eri­ka Ander­sen helps the read­er approach business–and life–strategically, explain­ing why it’s impor­tant, what’s involved in doing it, and how to do it. Being Strate­gic offers a step-by-step mod­el and skills for strate­gic thought and action that are broad­ly applic­a­ble and thor­ough­ly practical:

  • First, get clear about the prob­lem you’re try­ing to solve.
  • Then, fig­ure out where you’re start­ing from.
  • Now, imag­ine your “cas­tle on the hill,” your ulti­mate goal.
  • Iden­ti­fy the “trolls under the bridge”; the obsta­cles in your path.
  • Next, out­line the path to the cas­tle: your core strate­gies and the tac­tics for imple­ment­ing them.
  • Re-eval­u­ate your strat­e­gy and your tac­tics as con­di­tions change.

Built around the sto­ry of 13th-cen­tu­ry Welsh nobles build­ing a cas­tle, and weav­ing in dozens of real-life exam­ples from her prac­tice, which has helped top restau­ra­teur Dan­ny Mey­er and many oth­ers, Ander­sen offers a com­plete course in turn­ing around a busi­ness, or a life.

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