Leading So People Will Follow

BooksLeading So People Will Follow
Proven Leadership Approach to Inspire Support and Get Results
Leading So People Will Follow explores the six leadership characteristics that inspire followers to fully support their leaders. Using Erika Andersen’s proven framework, new leaders and veterans alike have increased their capacity for leading in a way that creates loyalty, commitment and results. Step by step, Andersen lays out six key attributes (far-sightedness, passion, courage, wisdom, generosity, and trustworthiness) and gives leaders the tools for developing them. This innovative book offers a practical guide for building the skills to become a truly 'followable' leader.
- Filled with examples from forward-thinking organizations such as Apple, NBC Universal, Union Square Hospitality Group, and MTV Networks
- Maps out the six attributes of leadership
- Author Erika Andersen is one of Forbes' most popular bloggers and coaches some of the most successful leaders in America
Using self-assessments, real-world examples, and concrete tools, Leading So People Will Follow helps build timeless core skills that work for leaders in any field.
Proven Leadership Approach to Inspire Support and Get Results
LeadÂing So PeoÂple Will FolÂlow explores the six leadÂerÂship charÂacÂterÂisÂtics that inspire folÂlowÂers to fulÂly supÂport their leadÂers. Using EriÂka Andersen’s proven frameÂwork, new leadÂers and vetÂerÂans alike have increased their capacÂiÂty for leadÂing in a way that creÂates loyÂalÂty, comÂmitÂment and results. Step by step, AnderÂsen lays out six key attribÂutÂes (far-sightÂedÂness, pasÂsion, courage, wisÂdom, genÂerosÂiÂty, and trustÂworÂthiÂness) and gives leadÂers the tools for develÂopÂing them. This innoÂvÂaÂtive book offers a pracÂtiÂcal guide for buildÂing the skills to become a truÂly ‘folÂlowÂable’ leader.
- Filled with examÂples from forÂward-thinkÂing orgaÂniÂzaÂtions such as Apple, NBC UniÂverÂsal, Union Square HosÂpiÂtalÂiÂty Group, and MTV Networks
- Maps out the six attribÂutÂes of leadership
- Author EriÂka AnderÂsen is one of Forbes’ most popÂuÂlar blogÂgers and coachÂes some of the most sucÂcessÂful leadÂers in America
Using self-assessÂments, real-world examÂples, and conÂcrete tools, LeadÂing So PeoÂple Will FolÂlow helps build timeÂless core skills that work for leadÂers in any field.