Growing Great Employees

BooksGrowing Great Employees
Comprehensive Guide to the Art and Practice of Managing People
Growing Great Employees is conversational, anecdotal, and humorous – much more fun to read than the typical advice to managers.
The book covers the whole cycle of employment, from recruiting, to hiring and orienting, through developing and career transitions. For each point in the cycle you’ll find practical instructions with simple models, real-life examples, and self-directed activities to try things for yourself. It’s a well-tested, systematic guide to creating a workplace where people thrive — and get great results.
Learn such easier-said-than-done skills as:
- Influence through Listening: using listening to motivate and build commitment;
- Targeted Interviewing: clarifying what you need most in an employee, and assessing how each candidate fills those needs;
- Hiring for Keeps: getting employees started off on the right foot, so that they’re committed and contributing as quickly as possible;
- Feedback for Action: discovering the strengths and Achilles’ heels of individual employees, and giving feedback that will help them improve without discouraging them;
- Delegating that Sticks: giving employees more responsibility – and feeling confident they’ll succeed;
- Firing with Integrity: how to let someone go without damaging them, yourself or the company.
Comprehensive Guide to the Art and Practice of Managing People
GrowÂing Great EmployÂees is conÂverÂsaÂtionÂal, anecÂdoÂtal, and humorÂous – much more fun to read than the typÂiÂcal advice to managers.
The book covÂers the whole cycle of employÂment, from recruitÂing, to hirÂing and oriÂentÂing, through develÂopÂing and career tranÂsiÂtions. For each point in the cycle you’ll find pracÂtiÂcal instrucÂtions with simÂple modÂels, real-life examÂples, and self-directÂed activÂiÂties to try things for yourÂself. It’s a well-testÂed, sysÂtemÂatÂic guide to creÂatÂing a workÂplace where peoÂple thrive — and get great results.
Learn such easÂiÂer-said-than-done skills as:
- InfluÂence through LisÂtenÂing: using lisÂtenÂing to motiÂvate and build commitment;
- TarÂgetÂed InterÂviewÂing: clarÂiÂfyÂing what you need most in an employÂee, and assessÂing how each canÂdiÂdate fills those needs;
- HirÂing for Keeps: getÂting employÂees startÂed off on the right foot, so that they’re comÂmitÂted and conÂtributÂing as quickÂly as possible;
- FeedÂback for Action: disÂcovÂerÂing the strengths and Achilles’ heels of indiÂvidÂual employÂees, and givÂing feedÂback that will help them improve withÂout disÂcourÂagÂing them;
- DelÂeÂgatÂing that Sticks: givÂing employÂees more responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty – and feelÂing conÂfiÂdent they’ll succeed;
- FirÂing with IntegriÂty: how to let someÂone go withÂout damÂagÂing them, yourÂself or the company.