Powerful Books for Your Leader Tool Box

Books that sup­port lead­er­ship and pro­fes­sion­al development

If you’re a leader — or want to be — and would like to learn how to unleash employ­ee poten­tial; build loy­al­ty and get results; and envi­sion and achieve a suc­cess­ful future while thriv­ing through change, Eri­ka Andersen’s books can help.

Change from the Inside Out

Making You, Your Team
and Your Organization

Erika’s Books Find Simplicity at the Heart of Complex Topics


Change from the Inside Out

In this time­ly book, Eri­ka clar­i­fies the mind­set shift each of us must go through to make any change, then shows how to cas­cade that human shift through­out an orga­ni­za­tion while exe­cut­ing the prac­ti­cal aspects of the change.

Be Bad First

How to become a mas­ter of mas­tery and pro­fi­cient in the kind of high-pay­off learn­ing that’s need­ed today.

Leading So People Will Follow

A unique take on becom­ing a fol­low­able leader from a nation­al­ly-known lead­er­ship coach and consultant.

Being Strategic

A step-by-step mod­el and skills to make being strate­gic a pow­er­ful habit of mind and action.

Growing Great Employees

This book will help you under­stand why being a skilled peo­ple man­ag­er is worth the time and effort required, and how to become that kind of manager.

For Deeper Insights into All the Books
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When I was faced with inte­grat­ing 3,000 employ­ees after our merg­er, my first call was to Eri­ka and Pro­teus, to help me and my senior man­age­ment team cre­ate a vibrant, impact­ful and imple­mentable vision for the future. We have real­ized our vision and three dif­fer­ent cul­tures have become one. I’m thank­ful for all Eri­ka and her col­leagues have done for us—I know we would not have got­ten so far, so fast with­out them.
David Kline, Pres­i­dent Spec­trum Reach, EVP Charter
In my years of work­ing with Eri­ka and Pro­teus they have been a great part­ner. Their approach includes a robust set of tools and frame­works, a hands-on approach, and a com­mit­ment to devel­op­ing a deep under­stand­ing of the key stake­hold­ers around me – all of which have con­tributed to help­ing our teams and me be the best we can be. They con­sis­tent­ly get what we’re try­ing to do and they sup­port us to make our dreams a reality.
Detavio Samuels, CEO Revolt Media and TV
Call­ing Eri­ka was one of the first things I did after becom­ing the CEO of Nation­al Geo­graph­ic chan­nels. She worked with me and my team to craft a clear vision for a new future for our net­works, and a plan for achiev­ing it—while at the same time help­ing me tran­si­tion into the CEO role. Work­ing with Pro­teus is illu­mi­nat­ing and strength­en­ing; they always see and sup­port the best in me.
Courteney Mon­roe, CEO Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Glob­al Networks