Leading So People Will Follow — A Quick Introduction

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In Lead­ing So Peo­ple Will Fol­low, Eri­ka has cap­tured much of what has made our work with her so valu­able over the years. She answers the com­plex ques­tion of what it takes to lead well, in an engag­ing, prac­ti­cal and inspir­ing way.
Dawn Ostroff, Pres­i­dent, Conde Nast Enter­tain­ment Group
Leave it to Eri­ka Ander­sen to con­nect her well-honed lead­er­ship devel­op­ment exper­tise with the arche­typ­al heroes of children’s bed­time sto­ries. The result is a prac­ti­cal, direct and action­able set of tools for assess­ing and improv­ing your lead­er­ship impact.
Beth Com­stock, CMO of GE
Eri­ka Ander­sen does it again. In her bril­liant first book Grow­ing Great Employ­ees she showed man­age­ment how to help employ­ees meet their poten­tial. In this book she cracks the code on how to be a great leader. So sim­ple to say but so hard to do. With clear and con­cise sto­ries to sup­port the six essen­tial attrib­ut­es she has found, this book will make you the leader your group/team/organization needs. This is an invalu­able resource.
Jack Covert, Pres­i­dent of 800CEOREAD and author of 100 Best Busi­ness Books of All Time
Eri­ka Ander­sen does it again. In her bril­liant first book Grow­ing Great Employ­ees she showed man­age­ment how to help employ­ees meet their poten­tial. In this book she cracks the code on how to be a great leader. So sim­ple to say but so hard to do. With clear and con­cise sto­ries to sup­port the six essen­tial attrib­ut­es she has found, this book will make you the leader your group/team/organization needs. This is an invalu­able resource.
Andrea Wong (Inter­na­tion­al Pres­i­dent of Sony Pic­tures Entertainment)