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Over the past decade, in each of the com­pa­nies I’ve led, I’ve relied on Eri­ka Ander­sen to help me engage my senior team in get­ting clear about the future we want to cre­ate for our enter­prise, and fig­ur­ing out what it will take for us to get there. Her vision and strat­e­gy process helps us get our heads around com­plex issues in a way that’s unusu­al­ly sim­ple: I’m always sur­prised, at the end of a ses­sion, how we’ve made our aspi­ra­tions prac­ti­cal and built a clear path to achiev­ing them.
Doug Her­zog, Pres­i­dent, MTVN Enter­tain­ment Group
My part­ners and I have turned to Eri­ka Ander­sen each time our com­pa­ny has reached a new plateau of growth — and gen­er­al­ly when we need her expert prod­ding, analy­sis, and fol­low-up to get us over the next orga­ni­za­tion­al hump. When I described our most recent re-struc­tur­ing plan to a friend — a sea­soned and suc­cess­ful finan­cial pro­fes­sion­al — he was cer­tain we must have hired McK­in­sey & Co. to help us think things through. Wrong. It was Eri­ka Andersen.
Dan­ny Mey­er, Pres­i­dent, Union Square Hos­pi­tal­i­ty Group
To most of us, the thought of artic­u­lat­ing a long-term strat­e­gy that is both vision­ary and prac­ti­cal seems an over­whelm­ing task. The approach used by Eri­ka Ander­sen enables a team to effec­tive­ly artic­u­late ideas, reach con­sen­sus, and for­mu­late a detailed course of action for achiev­ing their vision.
Kathy Dore, Pres­i­dent, Can­West Media Broadcasting
When I became Pres­i­dent of Women in Cable Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions in 2001, I real­ized the orga­ni­za­tion need­ed to re-invent itself. Since that time, we’ve used the Pro­teus strate­gic approach to cre­ate a clear, pow­er­ful vision of the orga­ni­za­tion we want­ed, and then to con­tin­u­al­ly move toward that vision. WICT is now grow­ing and vital — and Erika’s work with us has been huge­ly help­ful in mak­ing that our reality.
Beni­ta Fitzger­ald Mosley, Pres­i­dent WICT and Olympic Gold Medalist