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Eri­ka Ander­son­’s insights and prac­tice have been invalu­able to Rain­bow Media over the past sev­er­al years. Enor­mous­ly use­ful to any orga­ni­za­tion in search of a com­pet­i­tive edge, this book pro­vides those insights, along with a supreme­ly prac­ti­cal blue­print for improv­ing job per­for­mance and satisfaction.
Joshua Sapan, Pres­i­dent and CEO, Rain­bow Media
Eri­ka Ander­sen has done great work for a long time, and now she has writ­ten a great book. Believe me when I say you can take four full semes­ters of ‘man­age­ment’ in busi­ness school, or you can sim­ply read, keep, and refer to Grow­ing Great Employ­ees. This book tran­scends all the the­o­ry, fads du jour, and man­age­ment bab­ble on the cur­rent scene and offers sim­ple, straight­for­ward, and, most impor­tant, effec­tive steps for cre­at­ing a com­mu­ni­ty of work in which peo­ple are so ful­filled and so pro­duc­tive that they achieve supe­ri­or results.
James A. Autry, author, The Ser­vant Leader and The Book of Hard Choices
A most read­able, insight­ful, and thor­ough treat­ment, filled with com­mon sense and prac­ti­cal exam­ples. A must-read for all man­agers inter­est­ed in grow­ing their people.
Tim Gall­wey, The Inner Game Corporation
Eri­ka Ander­sen and her col­leagues have been tru­ly help­ful to us over the years; their approach is both busi­ness-focused and real. In Grow­ing Great Employ­ees, she’s trans­lat­ed that spir­it into the writ­ten word in a way that cre­ates the sense that you’ve got some­body with you every step of the way, some­body who knows what you’re up against and can help you be the kind of man­ag­er and leader you want to be.
Doug Her­zog, Pres­i­dent Com­e­dy Central/Spike TV/TV Land
For the past 25 years, Eri­ka Ander­sen has been work­ing with com­pa­nies to make sure that employ­ees achieve their true poten­tial. In Grow­ing Great Employ­ees, Eri­ka is shar­ing that prac­ti­cal, smart, soup-to-nuts insight on how to be the best kind of man­ag­er with a broad­er public.
Geral­dine Lay­bourne, Pres­i­dent and CEO, Oxy­gen Networks