Powerful Books for Your Leader Tool Box

Books that help with lead­er­ship and per­son­al development

If you’re a leader — or want to be — and would like to learn how to unleash employ­ee poten­tial, build loy­al­ty and get results, and envi­sion and achieve a suc­cess­ful future while thriv­ing through change, Eri­ka Andersen’s books can help.


Change from the Inside Out:

Erika’s Books Find Simplicity at the Heart of Complex Topics


Change from the Inside Out

Eri­ka clar­i­fies the men­tal and emo­tion­al shift each of us must go through to make any change, then shows how to cas­cade that human shift through a whole orga­ni­za­tion while nav­i­gat­ing the nuts-and-bolts aspects of the change.

Change from the Inside Out

How to become a mas­ter of mas­tery and pro­fi­cient in the kind of high-pay­off learn­ing that’s need­ed today.

Leading So People Will Follow

A unique take on becom­ing a fol­low­able leader from a nation­al­ly-known lead­er­ship coach and consultant.

Being Strategic

A step-by-step mod­el and skills to make being strate­gic a pow­er­ful habit of mind and action.

Growing Great Employees

Learn how to devel­op an all-star staff, even if you don’t know the first thing about man­ag­ing. An engag­ing and com­pre­hen­sive guide to the art and prac­tice of man­ag­ing peo­ple. It will help you under­stand why being a skilled peo­ple man­ag­er is worth the time and effort required, and how to become that kind of manager.

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When I was faced with inte­grat­ing 3,000 employ­ees after our merg­er, my first call was to Eri­ka and Pro­teus, to help me and my senior man­age­ment team cre­ate a vibrant, impact­ful and imple­mentable vision for the future. We have real­ized our vision and three dif­fer­ent cul­tures have become one. I’m thank­ful for all Eri­ka and her col­leagues have done for us—I know we would not have got­ten so far, so fast with­out them.
David Kline, Pres­i­dent Spec­trum Reach, EVP Charter
In my years of work­ing with Eri­ka and Pro­teus they have been a great part­ner. Their approach includes a robust set of tools and frame­works, a hands-on approach, and a com­mit­ment to devel­op­ing a deep under­stand­ing of the key stake­hold­ers around me – all of which have con­tributed to help­ing our teams and me be the best we can be. They con­sis­tent­ly get what we’re try­ing to do and they sup­port us to make our dreams a reality.
Detavio Samuels, CEO Revolt Media and TV
Call­ing Eri­ka was one of the first things I did after becom­ing the CEO of Nation­al Geo­graph­ic chan­nels. She worked with me and my team to craft a clear vision for a new future for our net­works, and a plan for achiev­ing it—while at the same time help­ing me tran­si­tion into the CEO role. Work­ing with Pro­teus is illu­mi­nat­ing and strength­en­ing; they always see and sup­port the best in me.
Courteney Mon­roe, CEO Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Glob­al Networks