Family/CommunicationReflectionAugust 6, 20130Learning in the Digital World — 08/06/13

As some of you may know, our mis­sion at Pro­teus is: We help clients clar­i­fy and move toward their hoped-for future.  How­ev­er, we also apply our mis­sion to our­selves — we con­sis­tent­ly work to clar­i­fy and move toward our hoped-for future as a com­pa­ny. The last cou­ple of years have been espe­cial­ly wild and fun: we’ve been grow­ing quick­ly, and look­ing for ever-bet­ter and more effec­tive ways to sup­port leader readi­ness at every level.

One of the things we’re real­ly try­ing to sort out late­ly is how to best use dis­tant learn­ing to sup­port our in-per­son train­ing, coach­ing and facil­i­ta­tion.  Even though our foun­da­tion is in-per­son learn­ing, and we believe deeply in the pow­er and effi­ca­cy of face-to-face devel­op­ment, we want to fig­ure out how to aug­ment that with oth­er learn­ing approaches.

Our point of view is that no mat­ter how tech­no­log­i­cal­ly advanced we become, human beings are still phys­i­cal crea­tures, and much of our most pro­found and per­ma­nent growth hap­pens as a result of inter­ac­tions with oth­ers. But that learn­ing can be rein­forced through lots of oth­er means. In the lead­er­ship and man­age­ment train­ing we do, for instance, we’ve found that hav­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to hear about, see, dis­cuss, prac­tice and debrief new skills in real time with an excel­lent instruc­tor and oth­er learn­ers is key to real behav­ior change. How­ev­er, we also know that learn­ing online can be a great lead-in to those face-to-face learn­ing sit­u­a­tions, and — even more impor­tant — can be pow­er­ful in sup­port­ing par­tic­i­pants’ ongo­ing learn­ing after the session.

So ‑What Works?

At this point, we’re talk­ing to smart, expe­ri­enced peo­ple to get their insights about how best to take advan­tage of the options now avail­able, through tech­nol­o­gy, to pre­pare for, sup­port, and sus­tain face-to-face learning.

And you, my friends, are smart, expe­ri­enced peo­ple.  I’d love to hear from you about any ‘dis­tant’ learn­ing options you’ve found valu­able — online, mobile, video, whatever.

Just drop me an email, and let us know: What did you like about it?  What did you learn? What could have been bet­ter?  And if you have the chance to send along links, or app names — that would be won­der­ful, too.

As an added incen­tive, just for turn­ing us on to some­thing you’ve found valu­able, we’ll give you free access to our first online sup­port sys­tem, once we’ve devel­oped it.

I can’t wait to hear from you.…




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