Current AffairsFamily/CommunicationPeopleDecember 23, 20140A Baker’s Dozen of Holiday Inspirations

To get you into the best spirit of the season....

One thing I real­ly like about the hol­i­days: peo­ple are much more like­ly to say love­ly and lov­ing things about the world and each oth­er.  It’s as though we some­how give our­selves per­mis­sion to be more inno­cent and hope­ful dur­ing the last two weeks of December.

I’d love to pro­pose that, rather than see­ing it (cyn­i­cal­ly) as an anom­aly prepara­to­ry to revert­ing to our ordi­nary unlove­ly and unlov­ing behav­ior, let’s assume that how we talk and act dur­ing the hol­i­days is our aspi­ra­tion for how we’d like to be year-round.  And here are some won­der­ful exam­ples of that as our benchmark:

“The best and most beau­ti­ful things in the world can­not be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. Wish­ing you hap­pi­ness.”      - Helen Keller

“This is my wish for you: peace of mind, pros­per­i­ty through the year, hap­pi­ness that mul­ti­plies, health for you and yours, fun around every cor­ner, ener­gy to chase your dreams, joy to fill your hol­i­days!”     — D.M. Dellinger

“Blessed is the sea­son which engages the whole world in a con­spir­a­cy of love.”      - Hamil­ton Wright Mabie

“Every piece of the uni­verse, even the tini­est lit­tle snow crys­tal, mat­ters some­how. I have a place in the pat­tern, and so do you. Think­ing of you this hol­i­day sea­son!”     - T.A. Barron

“As we strug­gle with shop­ping lists and invi­ta­tions, com­pound­ed by Decem­ber’s bad weath­er, it is good to be remind­ed that there are peo­ple in our lives who are worth this aggra­va­tion, and peo­ple to whom we are worth the same.”     - Don­ald E. West­lake

“May your walls know joy, may every room hold laugh­ter, and every win­dow open to great pos­si­bil­i­ty.”      — Mary Anne Radmacher

“Shar­ing the hol­i­day with oth­er peo­ple, and feel­ing that you’re giv­ing of your­self, gets you past all the com­mer­cial­ism.”      - Car­o­line Kennedy

“Come, woo me, woo me, for now I am in a hol­i­day humor, and like enough to con­sent.”     - William Shakespeare

“New Year’s Day is every man’s birth­day.”      - Charles Lamb

“The joy of bright­en­ing oth­er lives, bear­ing each oth­ers’ bur­dens, eas­ing oth­ers’ loads and sup­plant­i­ng emp­ty hearts and lives with gen­er­ous gifts becomes for us the mag­ic of the hol­i­days.”       - W. C. Jones

“The holi­est of hol­i­days are those kept by our­selves in silence and apart; The secret anniver­saries of the heart.”      — Hen­ry Wadsworth Longfellow

“It is ten­der­ness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future.  It is a fer­vent wish that every cup may over­flow with bless­ings rich and eter­nal, and that every path may lead to peace.”      — Agnes M. Pharo

My idea of Christ­mas, whether old-fash­ioned or mod­ern, is very sim­ple: lov­ing oth­ers. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christ­mas to do that?”      — Bob Hope


Hap­py Holidays!

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