BooksLeadershipPeopleMay 21, 20151Signposts on the Leader’s Journey

Mental and emotional trail mix for your leader's journey - this is good stuff.

I got an email last week from Kathryn Cramer, who wrote a book that I like, Lead Pos­i­tive: What High­ly Effec­tive Lead­ers See, Say and Do. She was writ­ing to let me know about a new cam­paign she’s launch­ing, focus­ing on what she terms  the Lead­er’s Hero­ic Jour­ney. Those of you who have read my book Lead­ing So Peo­ple Will Fol­low know how fas­ci­nat­ed I am by sto­ry­telling, and by leader sto­ries in par­tic­u­lar, so it’s not sur­pris­ing that I quick­ly went to check it out.

Kathryn has cre­at­ed some­thing very cool; a mod­ern and res­o­nant series of six info­graph­ics that take you through the steps of the Hero’s Jour­ney (as defined by Joseph Camp­bell).  But she’s reframed for today’s leaders—those of us who are try­ing to lead through a time char­ac­ter­ized by more and faster change than at any oth­er time in history.

She’s offer­ing one of the six steps in the jour­ney each week on her web­site, or you can down­load the full ebook, also on her site. With this series, Kathryn has teed up some of the most crit­i­cal inflec­tion points we all face as lead­ers, and pro­vid­ed sim­ple, prac­ti­cal insights, and ideas for nav­i­gat­ing those passages.

It’s a wild time to be a leader—we all need help. Kathryn’s cam­paign is food for the journey.

One comment

  • Duncan M.

    May 22, 2015 at 7:19 am

    Indeed, it is a hard time to be a leader nowa­days. This is why it is manda­to­ry to be aware of the lat­est trends in order to improve and enhance your skills. It is always nice to get reli­able rec­om­men­da­tions from peo­ple who real­ly know what they are talk­ing about.


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