I got an email last week from Kathryn Cramer, who wrote a book that I like, Lead PosÂiÂtive: What HighÂly EffecÂtive LeadÂers See, Say and Do. She was writÂing to let me know about a new camÂpaign she’s launchÂing, focusÂing on what she terms the LeadÂer’s HeroÂic JourÂney. Those of you who have read my book LeadÂing So PeoÂple Will FolÂlow know how fasÂciÂnatÂed I am by stoÂryÂtelling, and by leader stoÂries in parÂticÂuÂlar, so it’s not surÂprisÂing that I quickÂly went to check it out.
Kathryn has creÂatÂed someÂthing very cool; a modÂern and resÂoÂnant series of six infoÂgraphÂics that take you through the steps of the Hero’s JourÂney (as defined by Joseph CampÂbell). But she’s reframed for today’s leaders—those of us who are tryÂing to lead through a time charÂacÂterÂized by more and faster change than at any othÂer time in history.
She’s offerÂing one of the six steps in the jourÂney each week on her webÂsite, or you can downÂload the full ebook, also on her site. With this series, Kathryn has teed up some of the most critÂiÂcal inflecÂtion points we all face as leadÂers, and proÂvidÂed simÂple, pracÂtiÂcal insights, and ideas for navÂiÂgatÂing those passages.
It’s a wild time to be a leader—we all need help. Kathryn’s camÂpaign is food for the journey.
One comment
Duncan M.
May 22, 2015 at 7:19 am
Indeed, it is a hard time to be a leader nowaÂdays. This is why it is mandaÂtoÂry to be aware of the latÂest trends in order to improve and enhance your skills. It is always nice to get reliÂable recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtions from peoÂple who realÂly know what they are talkÂing about.