BooksJanuary 23, 20160Navigating The New World of Publishing

If you're interested, you can help my new book, Be Bad First, thrive in the new world of publishing...

It’s been a lit­tle over nine years since my first book, Grow­ing Great Employ­ees, was pub­lished in Decem­ber of  2006.  At the time, about 75% of book sales still hap­pened in brick and mor­tar stores.  I remem­ber that most of my pub­lish­er’s efforts went into get­ting dis­tri­b­u­tion into Barnes & Noble and Bor­ders, with a bit of effort to make sure it was avail­able on Amazon.

Fast for­ward to today, when Bor­ders is no more, B&N has shrunk and re-trenched, and online book sales have sur­passed in-store sales. Which brings us to Ama­zon, now the 800-pound goril­la of the pub­lish­ing world.  As online book sales have explod­ed over the past decade, and because Ama­zon now has almost two-thirds of that new mar­ket share, all of us authors and pub­lish­ers are danc­ing to their tune.

One of the many things I love about my new pub­lish­er, Bib­liomo­tion, is that they are ful­ly accept­ing this new real­i­ty — and are learn­ing quick­ly and con­tin­u­ous­ly how to best oper­ate in this new world.  I love find­ing out from them about how to make things work with Amazon.

For instance, because Ama­zon’s goal is to get peo­ple things they want, as quick­ly, sim­ply and inex­pen­sive­ly as pos­si­ble (they believe that this total focus on the cus­tomer is key to their own  suc­cess and growth) they’re con­tin­u­al­ly try­ing to fig­ure out the “things they want” part. That is, how can they let their cus­tomers know about things that they might like and want to buy.

Recent­ly, they’ve dis­cov­ered if a book has a lot of pre-orders and a num­ber of ear­ly reviews, it’s more like­ly to be some­thing a lot of peo­ple will want — so Ama­zon sits up and starts to do things for that book: high­light­ing and pro­mot­ing it in var­i­ous ways.

So we want to take advan­tage of this, with your help. We’ve cre­at­ed a spe­cial pre-order offer for you — one that will ben­e­fit you and us. Here’s how it works:

  • Go to Ama­zon and pre-order Be Bad First
  • Then come back here, to, and type in your email address and pre-order num­ber under the “Be Bad First Pre-Order” head­ing on the home page.

That’s it. And as a thank you for doing that, we’ll send you two  gifts: A one-month all-access mem­ber­ship to, our online resource that’s chock full of dozens of great, snack-sized nuggets of real lead­er­ship and man­age­ment learn­ing; and an exclu­sive PDF of the first arti­cle I ever wrote about the Be Bad First mod­el (you can see how it’s evolved).

Thank you very much — both for read­ing my blog, and for help­ing Be Bad First find its audi­ence in this brave new world of publishing .


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