BooksChangeMarch 4, 20210The New Book — Two Years Later

It’s been an unimag­in­ably changed two years since I wrote that last post. The world has altered in ways that none of us could have pre­dict­ed — large­ly dri­ven by the pan­dem­ic. Just a year ago this week, most of us were still bliss­ful­ly igno­rant of what was to come.

In addi­tion to work­ing with my part­ners and col­leagues to piv­ot Pro­teus to vir­tu­al, and fig­ur­ing out with my fam­i­ly and friends how to stay con­nect­ed and sup­port each oth­er — I spent the this pan­dem­ic year writ­ing a book about change. It seemed weird­ly appropriate.

I’m work­ing with a mar­velous pub­lish­er, Berrett-Koehler: they are enthu­si­as­tic about the book, its mes­sage and poten­tial. Per­haps even more impor­tant­ly, their phi­los­o­phy and ours are very deeply aligned. Their mis­sion is Con­nect­ing peo­ple and ideas to cre­ate a world that works for all and ours is Help­ing peo­ple clar­i­fy and move toward their hoped-for future. It’s excit­ing to work with a group of peo­ple who are so smart, col­lab­o­ra­tive, cre­ative and knowledgeable.

We’ve come up with a great title and sub­ti­tle: Change from the Inside Out: Mak­ing You, Your Team, and Your Orga­ni­za­tion Change-Capa­ble. It cap­tures the essence of the book so well (I’m indebt­ed to my edi­tor Neal Mail­let for the title — the sub­ti­tle arose in conversation.)

It’s com­ing out in Octo­ber. Between now and then, I’ll be shar­ing with you some of the core ideas, the cov­er design, and oth­er fun and use­ful tid­bits as they arise. I’ll also be look­ing for your insights about how to mar­ket it so that any­one who could be helped by it knows that it exists.

Here’s to being able to thrive through change…


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