Erika Helps People and
Organizations Achieve
Their Hoped-for Future

Get her lat­est think­ing in her new
book, Change from the Inside Out 

Erika’s Books Find
Simplicity at the Heart
of Complex Topics

To help you crack the code on
your most impor­tant leadership
and busi­ness challenges

The Proteus Leader Show
Offers Quick Practical
Support for You as a
Leader and Manager

Pod­cast with insight and advice
you can use to improve right now

Erika Helps People and
Organizations Achieve
Their Hoped-for Future

Get her lat­est think­ing in her new
book, Change from the Inside Out 

Erika’s Books Find
Simplicity at the Heart
of Complex Topics

To help you crack the code on
your most impor­tant leadership
and busi­ness challenges
The Proteus Leader Show with Erika Andersen

The Proteus Leader Show
Offers Quick Practical
Support for You as a
Leader and Manager

Pod­cast with insight and advice
you can use to improve right now

Erika Andersen Is a Nationally-Known Business Thinker and Author

Eri­ka Ander­sen and her col­leagues at Pro­teus Inter­na­tion­al, a coach­ing, con­sult­ing and lead­er­ship devel­op­ment train­ing firm, focus on leader readi­ness, sup­port­ing lead­ers at all lev­els to get ready and stay ready to meet what­ev­er the future might bring. She advis­es senior exec­u­tives in orga­ni­za­tions such as Spo­ti­fy, Ama­zon, Spec­trum, Novar­tis, Revolt Media, CBS Sports, and the Yale School of Pub­lic Health.

  • Helps orga­ni­za­tions of all kinds clar­i­fy their vision and strategy
  • Cat­alyzes growth and learn­ing for employ­ees around the world
  • Coach­es C‑Level exec­u­tives to become more pow­er­ful and com­pas­sion­ate leaders
  • Sup­ports lead­ers, indi­vid­u­als and orga­ni­za­tions to make real change
Change from the Inside Out

Making You, Your Team,
and Your Organization

Quick Practical Support for
You as a Leader and Manager 

#88 Atom­ic Scal­ing: How Small Teams Cre­ate Huge Growth
Episode play icon
#88 Atom­ic Scal­ing: How Small Teams Cre­ate Huge Growth
Episode play icon
#87 Suc­cess­ful­ly Lead­ing Remote and Hybrid Teams
Episode play icon
#86 The Impor­tance of Men­tal Strength
The Proteus Leader Show with Erika Andersen

Erika’s Blog

Change Learn­ing Reflec­tion Uncat­e­go­rized

The Wild Ride of Real Learning, Part II

Museo de Min­ería y la Indus­tria It’s been just about a year since I wrote my last post, and I…
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Change Reflec­tion Uncat­e­go­rized

The Long Wild Ride of Real Learning

Pon­gas Par­que Nat­ur­al When Be Bad First came out in 2016, I often not­ed in inter­views (and in the book…
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Change Reflec­tion

A Very Old Thing That Now Seems Precious

Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone… — Joni Mitchell, Big…
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Change Cur­rent Affairs Peo­ple Reflec­tion Uncat­e­go­rized

Change Really Has Changed

It’s been almost 6 months since Change From the Inside Out was pub­lished. And it feels very dif­fer­ent than 6…
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Books Change Cur­rent Affairs Uncat­e­go­rized

The Confluence of Passions

I love it when dif­fer­ent parts of my life inter­sect. It’s like a dou­ble help­ing of good­ness. Those of you…
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Books Change Peo­ple

The Birth of a Book: Lots of Work, Kind of a Mess, Joy at the End

  There are ways in which pub­lish­ing a book is like hav­ing a baby. It’s a spark of cre­ation leading…
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Cur­rent Affairs

“It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times…

…it was the age of wis­dom, it was the age of fool­ish­ness, it was the epoch of belief, it was…
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Change Family/Communication Reflec­tion

How to Change a Mind

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Books Change

The New Book — Two Years Later

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Books Change

A New Book

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Family/Communication Reflec­tion

In Praise of Siblings

I’m so glad to be a mem­ber of my family.
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Change Reflec­tion

Let’s Get Better At Changing

We can’t stop change. Let’s get bet­ter at it.
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Cur­rent Affairs Family/Communication Peo­ple Reflec­tion

Marjory Stoneman Douglas Would Be Proud

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Cur­rent Affairs Peo­ple Reflec­tion

Mandela and the Power of Learning

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Family/Communication Lead­er­ship Reflec­tion

Practical Magic

Some­times, believ­ing in mag­ic is the most prac­ti­cal way forward.
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Cur­rent Affairs Lead­er­ship

Racism Is Evil

Be a bea­con of light against darkness.
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Change Family/Communication Reflec­tion

Should You Retire Or Keep Working? Do Both

Strug­gling with soci­ety’s expec­ta­tions for “old­er work­ers”? Make your lat­er years work for you…
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Change Family/Communication Reflec­tion

Going Off-Road — Mentally

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Change Family/Communication Reflec­tion

Practical Activism

This is the time to be relent­less in stand­ing up for what you believe, to pro­tect our rights, our freedoms,…
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Family/Communication Reflec­tion

Cutting Back to Fulltime

Learn­ing to give your­self more of what you need is a fas­ci­nat­ing jour­ney at any age.
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Family/Communication Reflec­tion

Building On What Came Before Us, Part II

Build­ing upon what’s best from the past takes time and care — but it’s worth the investment
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Change Lead­er­ship Reflec­tion

Pain for a Purpose

Some peo­ple leave jobs that aren’t com­fort­able for them. That can be a good thing — or not so good.
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Cur­rent Affairs Peo­ple Reflec­tion

Just The Facts, Ma’am

Espe­cial­ly these day, facts are a very valu­able (and under-uti­lized) commodity…
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Family/Communication Reflec­tion

Building On What Came Before Us

Even when every­thing is chang­ing, we can draw strength, skills and wis­dom from the past…
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Family/Communication Lead­er­ship Reflec­tion

The Power of Words…Especially For Leaders

Are you being dis­mis­sive or belit­tling with­out even know­ing it? As lead­ers, we need to be con­scious of how we…
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Change Cur­rent Affairs Family/Communication Lead­er­ship Peo­ple

Watching Business Evolve: The Craft Beer Revolution

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Books Family/Communication Peo­ple

Spreading Good Ideas…Person-to-Person

Want to have a pos­i­tive impact on the world? Share a use­ful idea.
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Navigating The New World of Publishing

If you’re inter­est­ed, you can help my new book, Be Bad First, thrive in the new world of publishing…
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Family/Communication Reflec­tion

Underneath the Holiday Bustle…

Mer­ry every­thing, by the grace of gratitude…
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Books Change Reflec­tion

Keep Being Bad First…

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Family/Communication Lead­er­ship Peo­ple

Impressive Nature, Impressive Human

When I vis­it­ed Grand Canyon, I found an unex­pect­ed bonus…
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Cur­rent Affairs Family/Communication Lead­er­ship Peo­ple Reflec­tion

Why Millenials Are Great

Tired of all the mil­lenial-bash­ing? Here’s an alter­na­tive view.
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Books Family/Communication Peo­ple

Lights, Camera, Action!

Watch­ing a great team in action is cool — get­ting to work with them is even better…
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Books Change Lead­er­ship Reflec­tion

New Ways to Get Better

Com­ing soon — Your online/mobile resource for leader readiness…
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Peo­ple Reflec­tion

So Much We Don’t Know…

Some­times I can’t decide whether to be more fas­ci­nat­ed or more embar­rassed by all that I don’t know…
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Books Lead­er­ship Peo­ple

Signposts on the Leader’s Journey

Men­tal and emo­tion­al trail mix for your lead­er’s jour­ney — this is good stuff.
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Change Lead­er­ship Reflec­tion

Step Aside For The New

If you think some­thing sim­ply isn’t pos­si­ble, don’t get in the way of some­one who thinks it is. You might…
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Family/Communication Lead­er­ship Peo­ple

Award-Winning Beer: An Entrepreneur’s Handbook

If you’re think­ing about start­ing a busi­ness — here are five key areas that need your attention.
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Change Family/Communication Reflec­tion

Getting Older and Better

Aging is an inevitable result of stay­ing alive. But you can have tremen­dous con­trol over how you do it.
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Family/Communication Peo­ple Reflec­tion

Present Happiness

Feel­ing down? There’s an app for that — and it’s built-in.
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Cur­rent Affairs Family/Communication Peo­ple

A Baker’s Dozen of Holiday Inspirations

To get you into the best spir­it of the season.…
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Books Lead­er­ship Peo­ple

If Change Is a Wave, Here’s a Surfboard

Tools for surf­ing the waves of change, in one fun, high-ener­gy, prac­ti­cal day…
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Lead­er­ship Reflec­tion

Are You Really Delegating?

Hav­ing a hard time del­e­gat­ing? Some things to think about…
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Books Reflec­tion

Can You Make Yourself Want Something?

Want to do the things you say you want to do, but don’t? Try this.…
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Family/Communication Reflec­tion

Staying Amazed

We’re liv­ing in a world that peo­ple 100 years ago could­n’t have imag­ined. It seem goofy to be bored.
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Change Reflec­tion

Too Much Of A Good Thing

Too much work, even work that you love, is no fun. Some ideas for keep­ing it good -
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Change Cur­rent Affairs Reflec­tion

Why Not?

The joy of hav­ing your assump­tions called into question…
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Peo­ple Reflec­tion

Pioneering Within

Don’t talk your­self out of a great life.
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The Same Thing, Different

Bored? You have the abil­i­ty to see the day-to-day with new eyes.
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Cur­rent Affairs Family/Communication Reflec­tion

Sharing The Planet

Are we real­ly the smartest crea­tures on earth?
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Change Family/Communication Lead­er­ship Reflec­tion

The Seduction of Incrementalism

Doing things ‘a lit­tle bit bet­ter’ can be a cop-out.…
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Thank you, St. Valentine

Make Valen­tine’s Day what­ev­er you want it to be.
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Cur­rent Affairs Family/Communication Lead­er­ship Peo­ple Reflec­tion

Sharpening My Ax: the Joy of Mastery

Mas­tery does­n’t have an end­point — the most joy comes when you keep going.
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‘Tis The Season

Have your­self a mer­ry lit­tle Christmas…
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Books Lead­er­ship Peo­ple

Seeing Selling Differently

Ner­vous about sell­ing? Try this…
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Books Peo­ple Reflec­tion

Why We Think Learning Is Boring

To suc­ceed in dis­rup­tive times, re-con­nect with your 4‑year-old self.…
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Change Family/Communication Lead­er­ship Reflec­tion

Caught By The Wind: When The Familiar Changes

Your job may not have changed on paper, but is it real­ly the same as it was a few years…
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Change Reflec­tion

You Had It Right When You Were Two Years Old…

Re-dis­cov­er­ing some­thing we may have lost along the way.
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Change Family/Communication

Farewell (For Now) To The Insider List — 08/26/13

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Books Cur­rent Affairs Family/Communication Peo­ple

How Does Stuff Get Done Around Here?

Just as we all thought…who’s con­nect­ed to whom and how they inter­act is key to an orga­ni­za­tions success.
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Family/Communication Lead­er­ship

Giving a Hand Up To The Next Generation — 08/19/13

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Unleash The Genius In You

We all have some genius in us. Here’s how to find it.
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Family/Communication Reflec­tion

Learning in the Digital World — 08/06/13

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Books Lead­er­ship Peo­ple

Why We Hate Strategy

We tend to think strat­e­gy is bor­ing, com­pli­cat­ed, imprac­ti­cal, unnec­es­sary. What if it’s actu­al­ly useful?
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Change Lead­er­ship Peo­ple

Entrepreneurs Come In Two Flavors

If you’re an entre­pre­neur, which fla­vor are you?
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100% Commitment — 07/17/13

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Family/Communication Lead­er­ship Uncat­e­go­rized

Miracles with a Twist — 06/18/13

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When I was faced with inte­grat­ing 3,000 employ­ees after our merg­er, my first call was to Eri­ka and Pro­teus, to help me and my senior man­age­ment team cre­ate a vibrant, impact­ful and imple­mentable vision for the future. We have real­ized our vision and three dif­fer­ent cul­tures have become one. I’m thank­ful for all Eri­ka and her col­leagues have done for us—I know we would not have got­ten so far, so fast with­out them.
David Kline, Pres­i­dent Spec­trum Reach, EVP Charter
In my years of work­ing with Eri­ka and Pro­teus they have been a great part­ner. Their approach includes a robust set of tools and frame­works, a hands-on approach, and a com­mit­ment to devel­op­ing a deep under­stand­ing of the key stake­hold­ers around me – all of which have con­tributed to help­ing our teams and me be the best we can be. They con­sis­tent­ly get what we’re try­ing to do and they sup­port us to make our dreams a reality.
Detavio Samuels, CEO Revolt TV & Media
Call­ing Eri­ka was one of the first things I did after becom­ing the CEO of Nation­al Geo­graph­ic chan­nels. She worked with me and my team to craft a clear vision for a new future for our net­works, and a plan for achiev­ing it—while at the same time help­ing me tran­si­tion into the CEO role. Work­ing with Pro­teus is illu­mi­nat­ing and strength­en­ing; they always see and sup­port the best in me.
Courteney Mon­roe, Pres­i­dent Nation­al Geo­graph­ic Content